Your marketing philosophy during times of economic distress also affects the levels of risk you may experience. Some companies are cognizant of risk factors with expansion and do so methodologically, without much change to their loss experience. Other entities may seek to expand their business and will take on riskier initiatives. It’s important to adjust forecasting methodology based on these philosophies.
Our clients are among the leaders of the staffing industry, and we’re experts in analyzing each program’s unique characteristics — from single parent captive liabilities to large self-insured retention liabilities. We blend information such as third-party administrator, broker or an aggressive risk control program characteristics to customize expert solutions that address your specific challenges.
At Pinnacle, we build a model specific to your unique situation and provide further analysis to evaluate collateral, analyze company-level loss development, project future cash flow, recommend funding levels for future negotiations with insurance companies, and more. When you partner with Pinnacle, you gain the leading edge expertise, superior communication, extraordinary customer service and insight you need to achieve your goals.
Staffing Experts
Staffing Services
BenchmarkingPinnacle strives to construct benchmarks for any analysis — whether ratemaking, loss reserving or some other use — as closely as possible to replicating the nature of the underlying data being reviewed.
Collateral NegotiationsPinnacle provides loss reserve analyses and other diagnostics in support of collateral negotiations associated with deductible and/or self-insured retentions.
Cost AllocationsPinnacle is experienced in developing cost allocation mechanisms by member or department in the most equitable manner, using elements such as exposure, geographic cost differences and actual loss experience.
DiscountingManagement sometimes wishes to reflect the time value of money in funding projections, accruals for unpaid claims liabilities and other valuations. The two most important parameters for doing so are the assumed interest rate and the underlying claim payment pattern. Assessing reasonable values for these parameters is not trivial, as the interest rate may need an adjustment for risk, while the claim payment pattern may not be readily available.
Alternative Risk Transfer Program DesignPinnacle helps alternative market risk owners, captive managers and service providers determine risk retentions that optimize the balance between the cost of risk transfer and loss volatility.
Staffing Solutions
Who We Serve in Staffing

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