Our experienced property/casualty actuaries can apply their expertise to help you understand potential legislative impact in your state. Our costing studies of proposed insurance legislation help policy makers in many states sift through legislative implications. And, as you work to meet stringent deadlines in even more complicated political circumstances, we will make sure our analysis is both timely and easy to understand.
We bring a wealth of experience in providing both written and oral testimony to support our findings. As expert witnesses, our actuaries assist insurance trade organizations and state regulators, legislative committees and industry associations, including physician and hospital groups.
As innovators in the actuarial profession, we helped create the underwriting and pricing practices that are now industry standards. We remain on the cutting edge of actuarial science through our thought leadership and recognized commitment to the profession. By combining deep expertise with insight gained from a wide range of unique clients, we stand apart from other providers.
Independent. Solely owned by our professional staff, Pinnacle is not affiliated with any insurance company or accounting firm. Pinnacle’s independence is demonstrated by the variety of clients who trust us for legislative support projects, including state insurance regulators; state legislative committees; insurance trade organizations; and state associations of physicians, hospitals, insurers and trial lawyers.
Credible. Our legislative support spans a variety of cases and venues. As recognized leaders in the actuarial profession, our legislative analyses are given the highest standard of credibility.
Experienced. Pinnacle's seasoned actuaries bring insight from years of experience in the industry. In addition, our team includes training actuaries who can provide a fresh perspective. We pull from our deep bench to assemble the right team for each assignment.
Legislative Costing Experts
Legislative Costing Services
Closed Claims StudiesPinnacle has compiled relevant databases for use as the basis for legislative costing analyses and other studies.
Expert Witness TestimonyPinnacle provides costing and impact analysis of proposed legislative changes and also provides written and oral testimony in support of our analyses.
Government Insurance ProgramsPinnacle’s team of experienced experts can provide expertise to help craft and quantify the impact of solutions for issues affecting the insurance market in today’s rapidly changing environment.
Impact AnalysesPinnacle has experience not only determining the cost of potential legislative changes, but also assessing their impact on affected segments and stakeholders.
Legislative CostingPinnacle excels in providing expected changes in insurance costs due to proposed legislation on behalf of state insurance regulators, state legislative committees, insurance trade organizations, and state associations of physicians, hospitals and trial lawyers.