Case Studies, White Papers, Monographs and Analyses

Risk Distribution - Expected Adverse Deviation (EAD) Case Studies
This paper explores the Expected Adverse Deviation (EAD) methodology as a tool in developing and designing an insurance program structure through five Case Studies.

Management's Guide to Evaluate Actuarial Loss Reserves - A Pinnacle and Johnson Lambert White Paper
New paper from Pinnacle and Johnson Lambert discussing recent changes to accounting guidelines.
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1 minute

Pinnacle IBNR White Paper
This paper explores several different approaches actuaries must consider when allocating IBNR reserves including the practical basis of those allocations, the strengths and weaknesses of different allocation approaches and more.

Artificial Intelligence - Welcome Opportunity or Inescapable Challenge for Insurers?
AI's impact stretches far and wide. Radost Wenman discusses the benefits and challenges of such a
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18 minutes

Focused on Insurtech: Don’t Miss the Bigger Picture
The opportunities for disruptive technology to dramatically reduce risk are powerful.
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7 minutes

The Case for Birth Injury Funds
Rob Walling defines birth injury funds and explains their benefits.
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11 minutes